Twitter Laughs At McConnell's Scorched Earth Threats Over Filibuster

As many Twitter peeps pointed out, doesn't one need to be in power to push McConnell's policies through?

Twitter Laughs At McConnell's Scorched Earth Threats Over Filibuster

Turtles gonna turtle.

Moscow Mitch thinks threatening to slow things down in the already notoriously slow Senate will scare Democrats away from killing the filibuster, or even reforming it. This is rich, coming from McConnell, who held us at an 8-member Supreme Court for over fourteen months to deny President Barack Obama the right to bring a nominee before the Senate.

He also threatened that America would become even more of a Right Wing Fever Dream than it already is, should the filibuster fall.

Needless to say, Twitter folks had a field day with this nonsense.

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