Twitter Laughs At McConnell's Scorched Earth Threats Over Filibuster
As many Twitter peeps pointed out, doesn't one need to be in power to push McConnell's policies through?

Turtles gonna turtle.
Breaking Senate rules to kill the filibuster would not open up an express lane to liberal change. It would not open up an express lane for the Biden presidency to speed into the history books. The Senate would function more like a hundred-car pile-up. Nothing moving.
— Leader McConnell (@LeaderMcConnell) March 16, 2021
Moscow Mitch thinks threatening to slow things down in the already notoriously slow Senate will scare Democrats away from killing the filibuster, or even reforming it. This is rich, coming from McConnell, who held us at an 8-member Supreme Court for over fourteen months to deny President Barack Obama the right to bring a nominee before the Senate.
He also threatened that America would become even more of a Right Wing Fever Dream than it already is, should the filibuster fall.
McConnell warns Democrats of the GOP policies that would be signed into law if filibuster falls: nationwide right-to-work, defunding Planned P'hood and sanctuary cities, "sweeping" abortion restrictions, concealed carry reciprocity, "massive hardening" of the southern border.
— Mike DeBonis (@mikedebonis) March 16, 2021
Needless to say, Twitter folks had a field day with this nonsense.
I don't care if it's 30 years from now I'm ready.
— Frances Langum 🧶 please reinstate @mr_electrico (@bluegal) March 16, 2021
Not allowing a Senate confirmation vote to the Supreme Court for Merrick Garland while ramming through Amy Coney Barrett is what destroyed any semblance of fairness when it comes to Senate rules. Now live with the consequences of your own actions. You have zero moral high ground.
— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) March 16, 2021
I would love to hear Mitch explain how he can create a traffic jam in the Senate without the filibuster while in the minority. He’s panicking and completely full of you know what.
— Adam Best (@adamcbest) March 16, 2021
Sounds like Moscow Mitch is trying to take the country hostage.
Dems should make clear, they don't negotiate with terrorists.— Art Martin (@gartmartin9) March 16, 2021
This, of course, is total BS. If McConnell for any of those things pass muster, he would have released the 60 vote hurdle in a nanosecond. If anyone thinks he is being held back because Democrats adhere to the norms and rules they have been asleep for the last 15 years.
— Norman Ornstein (@NormOrnstein) March 16, 2021