Adam Kinzinger's Twitter Analogy FAIL: GOP Is Not 'Your Dad'

Rep. Adam Kinzinger tried an analogy where his party is "Dad" and the Democratic Party is "Mom." It did NOT go well for him.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger has this week's #Fail, and it's only Tuesday.

Kinzinger is one of those never-Trumpers who some Democrats fall in love with because he says things that make them feel there may be some hope for bridging the divide between the parties. Actual Democrats sent money to Kinzinger when he came out against Trump during Donald's impeachments, plural.

And seriously, fellow Democrats, you HAVE to stop doing that. Get some self-respect, and stop sending money to any Republicans, including the Lincoln Project. Republicans of any stripe are NOT your friends. After the dust settles they'll be coming after your Social Security and voting more tax cuts for billionaires. It's who they are.

So Kinzinger decided Monday night to tweet an analogy that pretended to be nice to Democrats, but which most people read as an unintended confession of "family" dysfunction.

The Twitter replies followed a theme, ahem.

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