Fox News Freakout After Dem Strategist Calls Tucker Carlson 'Conspiracy Theorist'
Mustn't touch the precious!
Ha ha, they get so upset when someone tells them who they are! Professional liar Mercedes Schlapp, who did White House comms for Trump, took great umbrage after Dem strategist Chris Hahn called Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson a conspiracy theorist. Mustn't touch the precious!
They were talking about -- you guessed it! -- the latest Republicon conspiracy theory from Tucker over vaccine passports.
“Republicans, like everything else they’ve done during this horrible crisis we’ve been through, are pushing these conspiracy theories that the government is trying to control you, which is causing some of their followers not to get vaccinated,” Hahn said.
He blamed Schlapp and Carlson for being endangering public health by pushing these conspiracy theories and said blood was on their hands.
“Chris, I am not gonna take this from you!” Schlapp said indignantly. “You are not gonna call me a liar! You are not gonna call me a conspiracy theorist. You are not gonna call Tucker Carlson a conspiracy theorist!”
“He is! He is, and you are,” Hahn said. (Because they are.)
“This is what the Democrats do!” Schlapp went on. “They keep calling us names, we’re not put up with this!
I stand for freedom!I stand for the freedom of the American people every single day!”
“No, you don’t. You’re a grifter,” Hahn said. “This is ridiculous.”
Only a hit dog hollers, Mercedes.