Fox Yakkers Carp About Low-Wage Restaurant Workers

Fox continues to bash one of their favorite targets — people who need federal assistance — despite the fact that we still haven't made our way out of the coronavirus pandemic.

Fox Yakkers Carp About Low-Wage Restaurant Workers

If there's one thing you can count on from Fox "news," it's consistency, and despite the fact that we're still dealing with the coronavirus pandemic that they've done their damndest to make worse, they're still bashing people receiving unemployment benefits.

Granted, the pandemic has made it a lot harder for them to do their usual schtick, but that hasn't stopped them from running segments like the one above.

Host Neil Cavuto showed a portion of an interview he did with a Florida restaurant owner on Friday where he was complaining to Cavuto that business is booming but he can't find another 90 people that want to work for $8.75 an hour now that the federal government has provided extended unemployment benefits for those affected by the pandemic through September.

Here's Cavuto and his guest Dan Geltrude carping about the restaurant owner having to "compete" with the federal government for his workers.

CAVUTO: So Dan, what this manager is saying is my business, we're filled to capacity, I don't have enough workers because some of them have discovered and realized and appreciate that they earn a lot more and continue to collect unemployment benefits that won't expire for some time. So he's between a rock and a hard place. What do you think of this?

GELTRUDE: He's in competition with the federal government. That's what the federal government has done here, Neil. Perhaps it was an unintended consequence. Who knows? But if you think about supply and demand, because the federal government is keeping people on the sideline, employers are going to have to pay more to get workers. What's that going to do? That's going to increase their wages and ultimately that gets passed on to consumers.

Florida has some of the stingiest unemployment benefits in the country, $275 a week for a maximum of 12 weeks thanks to the Republicans running their state. Their minimum wage just increased from a whopping $8.56 per hour to $8.65 per hour and will increase to $10.00 an hour in September. It's $5.63 an hour for tipped workers.

Rather than discuss how anyone is supposed to actually survive on those wages, Fox would prefer to keep people angry and agitated at those receiving government assistance, and they continue to paint them as a bunch of lazy moochers who don't want to work.

Jon Stewart had their number years ago, and they've only gotten worse since.

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