Geraldo Rivera Melts Down Over Dan Bongino: 'You're Nothing But A Punk!'
The heir to Limbaugh's seat accuses Geraldo Rivera of "just wanting to watch the country burn."
Geraldo Rivera and Dan Bongino got into yet another shouting match over recent policing outrage.
Rivera kept trying to have an actual discussion about racism in police treatment of black men, but Bongino was having none of it, accusing Rivera of wanting to “see the country burn."
“I want to see the country burn?! You son of a bitch! I want to see the country burn, you punk?! You’re nothing but a punk!”
Well, yes, of course he is. Bongino is not only a punk, he's a fraud who wrote a book claiming he sat in on high-level meetings in the Obama White House while he was a Secret Service agent.
He's proved he'll do or say anything that serves his self-interest. That's why he proclaims himself as the heir to Rush Limbaugh. After all, Bongino can also be counted on to keep the fires of white supremacy burning bright.
And that's why Hannity has him on.