Lindsey Graham: America Can't Be Racist Because, Obama!

Sen. Lindsey Graham is still pretending that America can't have a problem with racism simply because we elected an African-American president.

All that's old is new again. Republicans never get tired of repeating this garbage that we've been hearing since the day Barack Obama was elected, and now you can add VP Kamala Harris to the mix.

Here's Sen. Lindsey Graham on this weekend's Fox News Sunday, continuing to pretend that America can't have a problem with systemic racism because we elected the black guy in response to a question regarding Joe Biden's comments following the Chauvin guilty verdict.

WALLACE: Senator, is there systemic racism in this country in policing and in other institutions?

GRAHAM: No, not in my opinion. We just elected a two-term African-American president, the vice president is of African American-Indian descent, so our systems are not racist. America is not a racist country.

Within every society, you have bad actors. The Chauvin trial was a just result. What's happening in Ohio where the police officer had to use deadly force to prevent a young girl from being stabbed to death is a different situation in my view.

So this attack on police and policing -- reform the police, yes. Call them all racist, no. You know, America is a work in progress, but best place on the planet, and Joe Biden spends a lot of time running the place down. I wish he would stop it.

Acknowledging systemic racism is not "running down" America anywhere other than right-wing world. Republicans put away the racist dog whistles and replaced them with bullhorns long ago, and will never stop coddling their racist base, because race-baiting and grievance issues like "cancel culture" and right-wing victimhood are all they've got left to run on.

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