Looks Like John Boehner's Rehabilitation Tour Just Came To A Screeching Halt

Did you really expect otherwise?

You've got to admit, John Boehner is one hell of a politician. Nothing is consistent, other than his own shifting goals, and we see it in this TIME interview:

You didn’t endorse anyone in the 2020 presidential race, and a spokesperson for you said that you “would rather set [yourself] on fire” than get involved in the election. Who did you vote for?

I voted for Donald Trump. I thought that his policies, by and large, mirrored the policies that I believed in. I thought the choices for the Supreme Court were top notch. At the end of the day, who gets nominated to the federal courts is really the most important thing a President does.

Please remember this the next time you see John Boehner cracking jokes about Trump, or Ted Cruz. When push comes to shove, Republicans always stick together. Their agenda is total control, and they don't stop until they get it.

Democrats could learn something from this. Yoo hoo, Joe Manchin....

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