Marsha Blackburn Is An Idiot, Part Infinity

Her latest confusion over "infrastructure."

Marsha Blackburn Is An Idiot, Part Infinity

Above: Pride of Tennessee, Professional Liar and alleged super-genius Marsha Blackburn

Guys, she’s trying to prove that the Infrastructure Bill is the work of Ol’ Scratch hisself, but I think she’s actually helping us.

Anyway, the Pride of Tennessee sent out a series of tweets telling the world what is in the plan:

As their stills are destroyed in tornadoes, and their crops destroyed by floods, Possum Hollar is already convinced that Global Climate Change is here. My guess is that they don’t care about how it got here, but what to do about it? Yeah, that’s a big concern.


Blackburn is telling us that the GQP is opposed to elder care, to their base? GENIUS WORK THERE, MARSHA!

Telling Possum Hollar that they won’t have to have MeeMaw living with them and stinking up the joint is really doing us a favor, especially when you see how much more it earmarks than the other stuff.

Blackburn might be as dumb as a stump, but she’s a one-person PR machine for the Infrastructure bill.

Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors

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