Psaki Dumps Reporter's Garbage Question Into Trash Where It Belongs

Ed O'Keefe served himself up as victim today by pretending it mattered how many times per week Pres. Biden communicated with former Pres. Obama.

Listen, I don't mind being on the Jen Psaki beat, not one bit. Please don't get me wrong. I do, however, mind having a press incapable of focusing on information that truly matters when they question the White House press secretary.

Today's moron-du-jour is CBS' Ed O'Keefe, pretending that finding out exactly how many times per week President Biden and former President Obama interact is information our citizens need to have.

O'Keefe used his precious time to ask, "You said they were in touch fairly regularly. Can you more clearly define 'fairly regularly?'"

Psaki said, "No, that would be violating their friendship. The privacy of their friendship, I should say."

Undeterred, our intrepid reporter, pressed on, "Is he fairly regularly in touch with any other former president?"

Allow me, at this point to say, "Oh, for f*ck's sake."

Psaki, though, said, "I would say he is the president he is most...former president he is most frequently in touch with."

O'Keefe, probing mind that he is, continued, "Are we talking two times a week?" At this point, laughter ensued all around him. Emboldened, he escalated his pressure on Psaki, clearly confident in his ability to make her sweat and break down to give him this critical information that would absolutely change the course of the lives of so many Americans: "Two times a month?"

Psaki, unwilling to break under pressure, steeled her spine to reply, "I'm not gonna define it more than to say that they engage not just about important moments in our country, but also their own families. They have a connection on a personal level, so they discuss a range of issues when they connect."

Twitter, also, was clearly impressed with O'Keefe's searing intellect and insightful, clever line of questioning.

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