SNL Brutally Roasts Matt Gaetz Over Sex Trafficking Allegations

After taking apart Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz in their cold open, SNL's Colin Jost continued to swing at Gaetz during the Weekend Update segment.

After taking apart Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz in their cold open, SNL's Colin Jost continued to swing at Gaetz during the Weekend Update segment.

Smartly, Colin Jost began by saying the House member from Florida “looks like a caricature artist’s drawing of me.” But then the hits started — and kept comin’.

  • “[Gaetz] is reportedly under investigation an alleged sexual relationship with an underage girl, because Gaetz believes that only voters should have to show ID.”
  • “It’s also being reported that Gaetz may have paid for sex with women he met online. That story has since been confirmed by his whole vibe.”
  • “Gaetz then defended himself by releasing this very normal statement — see if any of it sounds suspicious to you: ‘Matt Gaetz has never paid for sex.’ ‘Matt Gaetz has never ever been on any such websites whatsoever.’ ‘Matt Gaetz cherishes the relationships in his past and looks forward to marrying the love of his life.’ Here’s my response statement: ‘Colin Jost does not believe you.’ ‘Colin Jost thinks you have been to alllll the websites.’ And ‘Colin Jost thinks you should hold off on sending out those wedding invites.’

Jost when wondered why the QAnon crowd has been so silent when it comes to Gaetz.

JOST: And I'd like to get back to Matt Gaetz for a minute. Here’s the craziest part of this story to me: a sitting congressman is being accused of child trafficking and the QAnon people are suddenly like, ‘Nah, I need more evidence."

That was your whole thing! I mean, come on! Think about it. Matt Gaetz’s girlfriend, she was allegedly 17, the 17th letter is Q. It all adds up! What are you waiting for? The storm is finally here, and QAnon is like, ‘You can’t believe everything you read on the internet.’”

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