Sen. Kennedy Regrets Idiotic Voting Rights Question Now
You'd think a lawyer would know not to ask a question to which he didn't know the answer. Not Sen. Kennedy of Louisiana. Stacey Abrams blew him away.
For a highly educated fella, Sen. John Kennedy makes some supremely stupid moves. One is asking a question to which he's not prepared to hear the answer, and another is asking it of Stacey Abrams. He did both during a Senate hearing, and the boomerang effect was beautiful. Sen. Kennedy was begging for mercy within two minutes.
First he wants confirmation from Abrams that she thinks the recently passed Georgia voting laws are racist. She confirms. "I think there are provisions of it that are racist, yes," she responds.
Here's where he voluntarily steps off the cliff into the pits of White Man Hell.
"Tell me specifically, I mean, just give me a list of the provisions that you object to."
Oh, dear.
"I object to the provisions that remove access to the right to vote, that shorten the federal run-off period from nine weeks to four weeks, that restrict the time that a voter can request and return an absentee ballot application," at which point Kennedy interrupted her to tell her to slow down, then request she start over, citing a bogus audio problem. (We hear her just fine. He was simply not prepared to have to absorb actual information.)
Abrams, always happy to help, repeated the first two points, then added, "It requires that the voter have a photo identification or some other form of identification that they're willing to surrender in order to participate in absentee ballot process..."
Kennedy interrupted again, asking "That's where they're going to, not comparing signatures, but the voter ID?"
"Yes," said Abrams, "And, Ms. Ifill pointed out, we would be come only the fourth state in the nation to put at risk their ability...
Another interruption from Kennedy, "What else?"
No beats missed, she said, "It eliminates over 300 hours of dropbox availability, it bans nearly all out-of-precinct votes..."
"Bans what, I'm sorry?"
"It bans nearly all out-of-precinct votes, meaning that if you get to a precinct and you are in line for four hours and you get to the end of the line and you are not there between the hours of five and seven p.m. you have to start all over again," listed Abrams.
A glutton for punishment, Kennedy asked, "Okay, what else? Is that everything?"
"No, it is not. No, sir!" she chuckled. "It restricts the hours of operation, because now under the guise of setting a standardized timeline, it makes it optional for counties that maybe may not want to see expanded access to the right to vote, they can now limit their hours, instead of those hours being from 7 to 7, they're now 9 to 5, which may have an effect on voters who cannot vote during business hours, during early voting. It limits the..."
At this point Sen. Kennedy cried uncle, saying, "Okay, I get the idea, I get the idea."
This guy went to Vanderbilt, University of Virginia, and Oxford. This is proof that education cannot produce wisdom.
Twitter agreed.
"Ok, I get the idea. I get the idea" -- Stacey Abrams gave Sen. John Kennedy waaaaay more than he bargained for when he asked her to list off provisions of the Georgia voter suppression bill she objects to
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 21, 2021
GOP Sen. John Kennedy, trying to play 'gotcha':
"Give me a list of what you don't like about the Georgia bill."
Stacey Abrams:— TrumpsTaxes (@TrumpsTaxes) April 21, 2021
Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., asks Stacey Abrams a question he doesn't really want answered
And then continually interrupts her as she attempts to give him the details he didn't really want to know
Hmmph@staceyabrams #GeorgiaVotingLaw— John C Hollar (@vypointjch) April 21, 2021
Kennedy: I demand a list!
Stacey Abrams:— Qondi 💛 🐝 🇺🇸🇿🇦🇿🇼 (@QondiNtini) April 21, 2021