Steve Scalise Racist-Splains Why DC Cannot Become A State

Don't be shocked to learn the Louisiana Rep's reasons for denying Washington, D.C. statehood are racist AF.

David Duke Without The Baggage Rep. Steve Scalise (CKK – LA) steps up to the Craps Table to throw the white dice to explain why majority Black Washington DC cannot become a state. Be prepared for a shock, Gentle Readers, it’s as racist as eff!

Snake Eyes!

The blahs are violent is his implication!

(Also, one can look up the crime statics in Scalise’s Louisiana and lo! carjackings happen there, too. Also.)

If there’s one thing we learned from the January 6 Stupid Coup it’s that the DC has limited autonomy …by decree of Congress.

Scalise, having lost that round, throws the white dice again!


The blahs are moochers, according to Scalise, when in fact DC is funded by Congress and has no autonomy to raise money nor ability to redirect it as needed. It is beholden to Congress.

Anyway, I’ll say one thing for Scalise: he’s consistently on-brand as David Duke with or without the baggage.

Republished with permission of Mock Paper Scissors.

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