Tucker Melts Down As Guest Notes Chauvin's Excessive Force
La la la, I can't hear you!
It wasn't a good night for Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson. He was all worked up to preside and pontificate over the burning and looting of white America, and that damned jury went and convicted Derek Chauvin. How dare they?
Then his guest, a former NYC corrections officer and the a former NYC sheriff, refused to defend Chauvin. In fact, he attacked Chauvin's use of force.
Tucker said he was more worried about the rest of the country being boarded up, "thanks to police inaction."
He then laughed maniacally, and went to his signature move of shutting down a glitch in the Fox News matrix: an credible guest with an alternative point of view.
"Nope, done," said the Swanson foods heir.
He seems a little worked up, doesn't he? I guess it's what he was talking about here:
Wait, Tucker was a fan of Dan White, the man who killed Harvey Milk? Even in jest?
And the Jesse Helms Foundation, named after a noted racist and segregationist?
That can't be why he's worried. After all, that would only solidify his support.