Watch NRA's Wayne LaPierre Try To Kill Helpless Elephant At Point-Blank Range

Guess Wayne never really learned how to use the weapons he sells so enthusiastically.

Obviously, Wayne LaPierre is more comfortable shopping for high-end suits on Rodeo Drive than he is wielding the weapons of death he markets so successfully. What an elite weenie!

Yesterday, the New Yorker broke the story about his 2013 attempt to shoot an elephant in Botswana at point-blank range -- and his guide had to finish off the poor suffering creature. His wife Susan killed "her" elephant with one shot, and was absolutely thrilled to cut off its tail.

The scene was shot for an NRA-sponsored TV show called "Under Wild Skies," but the segment never aired when they realized it would be a PR fiasco. Well, better late than never, Wayne!

I will never, ever understand trophy hunters. They disgust me. What kind of person kills an elephant to make footstools for his living room?

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