Arizona Official: Vaccine Will Turn You Into 'Potted Plant'

Arizona Corporation Commissioner Jim O'Connor claimed that the COVID 19 vaccine kills people or turns them into "potted plants."

An elected official in Arizona, Corporation Commissioner Jim O'Connor, said in an interview that the government and mainstream media are covering up the negative side effects of the COVID 19 vaccine, namely that it could kill you or turn you into a "potted plant."

Via Raw Story:

"I'm also aware through other information that many people who have taken the shot, many thousands of people here in the U.S., are deceased," said O'Connor in the interview. "And the deceased part is the good news. And please don't take that out of context. But the alternative to being deceased after the shot, there are something like 40,000 plus recorded cases of people that are now potted plants. They are human vegetables. They've lost their ability to function."

The scariest part isn't that an elected official is spouting these wild anti-vaxxer conspiracy theories. The really scary part is that this doofus is in charge of making sure water and electric plants are in compliance with state regulations.

Somehow, I just don't see Arizona water being bottled and sold for consumption anytime soon.

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