CBS Amplifies Right-Wing 'Cancel Culture' As 'Wedge' Issue

This really is stupid, CBS.

Our failed political press.

This is really stupid, CBS:

Cancel culture, a new wedge issue

In 1987, Al Campanis, a vice president of the Los Angeles Dodgers, appeared on ABC News’ “Nightline,” and made some deeply offensive remarks about why there weren’t more Black managers in baseball. “No, I don’t believe it’s prejudice. I truly believe that they may not have some of the, uh, necessities,” Campanis said.

Two days later, he was fired. We might say he was “canceled.”

And rightfully so. That was as racist as all-eff.

Fair Warning: Both Sides ahead!

“Sunday Morning” senior contributor Ted Koppel says “cancel culture,” as it’s called these days, is a social weapon that has served the outrage of both the left (“When you cross that kind of societal norm, you must pay the consequences”), and the right (“Don’t support Major League Baseball, whose players actually kneel for the National Anthem”).

Um, I don’t see a Both Sides there, I see the Right boycotting Baseball because the players took a stand against violence against Black people.

And then they go into Dr. Seuss territory as alleged examples of the Left cancelling something, when in fact the publishers of the Seuss stuff decided to pull some books from their lists, which is something publishers do all the time.

Fox News’ Sean Hannity offered his viewers a handy reference guide: “They want to cancel, let’s see, Dr. Seuss, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, Pepe le Pew…”

“They?” You know, the left, the Squad, the “woke crowd.” Laura Ingraham described adherents of cancel culture as “liberals successfully [purging] almost all conservatives from academia, the entertainment industry, and journalism.”

The thing that is so infuriating is that being fired for spouting off racist statements is called Consequences where I come from. No one is stopping you from expressing yourself, so have at it. Just don’t be surprised at what happens next.

[True story: when I was a wee lad in grammar school, we had some distant relatives from Texas in town for Brunch. The grown-ups decided to watch a football game, and I trotted in after them. Something happened on the field and one of the Texans exclaimed, “Did you see what that n***** did to our colored boy?!” – and I was bum-rushed out of the room to the backyard by my mom, and when I was let back in the house, the teevee was off, the Texans were gone and never seen again; my dad gave me the talk about the importance of language. Consequences happen. Even back then.]

Ingraham herself weathered a boycott from her racist diatribes, but she still said what she said. She can say she was cancelled, but she’s still employed. Ask Colin Kaepernick about his career:

In 2016, 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the National Anthem to protest police violence against blacks. He told a press conference, “I’ll going to continue to stand with the people that are being oppressed. This is something that has to change.”

He expressed his sentiment in a 2018 Nike commercial: Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.”

Canceled? Kaepernick never played professional football again.

The Right cancelled Kaepernick.

Posted with permission from Mock Paper Scissors

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