TN Store Owner Sells Yellow Stars That Say 'Not Vaccinated'
Mark my words, the resulting outrage will make Gigi Gaskins a hero of the right, and a SCOTUS nominee should any Republican win the presidency.
Shabbat shalom.
I'm firing this off with less than one hour before I record the podcast I do with Karoli and another savvy political commentator, Donna Schwartz Mills for MOMocrats, so forgive me if it's a little all over the place, but Jesus Christ on a goddamn cracker, what have we here?
NASHVILLE — Hatworks is literally selling Jewish stars that say “Not Vaccinated” — out here making MTG look tame (615) 678-5690— The Tennessee Holler (@TheTNHoller) May 28, 2021
What we have here isn't (only) ignorance, though one can tell by her vacant expression she's got that in spades. What's here isn't (only) stupidity, though from her brazenness, one can see it's something on which she thrives. What's in this monstrous photo isn't (only) anti-Semitism on steroids, though the details of the sticker, from the frayed edges to the pride with which she declares "strong adhesive back!" certainly call to mind a designer suffering from a certain kind of medication-induced rage.
No, what we have here is the mainstream Republican party. Sit with that for a moment. Main-f*cking-stream.
This is on the GOP. This is on right-wing evangelical Christian fetishization of Israel for all the wrong reasons. This is on the Republicans' lionization of Sheldon Adelson and the demonization of George Soros. This is on anyone who chuckled when Trump said he only likes short men in yarmulkes when they're counting his money.
This is what comes from acceptance of the weaponization of Jewish generational trauma for political gain. The GOP have that down to an art form.
This gigantic pile of ogre-vomit in the photo, wearing and monetizing the gassing of Jewish toddlers with pride, is worse than a Nazi. This is someone who apparently acknowledges what happened to more than six million Jewish people in Europe, and decided it wasn't actually that terrible. This picture shows a "person" who would have witnessed a German soldier throw a Jewish infant up in the air so that another soldier could catch the infant on his bayonet, and concluded that that Nazi "sport" wasn't quite as bad as being denied a movie ticket because she couldn't be bothered to get vaccinated.
And I am telling you. Main-f*cking-stream.
Shouting at her on social media will make her a star, so I'm wouldn't waste my breath. But if you're the activist type, here's a list of brands she proudly claims she sells in her store, if you're inclined to get in touch with them to see how they feel about their association with her.