That 'Hunter Biden's Laptop' Smear Convicts Rudy On Child Porn
Hal Sparks brings some very important facts to the fake "Hunter Biden Laptop" smear coming from Rudy Giuliani and right-wing media. Rudy is LITERALLY copying child porn and making it available for sale.
On his web/radio show this past weekend, Hal Sparks made some important points about Rudy Giuliani and the "Hunter Biden's Laptop" smear that Rudy and right-wing news outlets have tried to promote.
The FBI raided Rudy's home and office and, it was revealed last week, removed EIGHTEEN communications devices related to a Federal investigation into Rudy's business dealings in Ukraine.
Rudy was also in possession of three hard drives, which he claims are copies of the hard drive on the notorious Hunter Biden laptop. That laptop is alleged to have videos of illegal activity including sexual activity with underage girls.
Hal Sparks (on air with his Saturday co-host Johnny Million) noted that because those hard drives are not "communication" devices, they were not part of the FBI warrant.
The Hunter Biden laptop was not in either Rudy's home or office. Just the hard drives.
It is alleged that Rudy is trying to sell the hard drives to a media outlet.
If all of Rudy's claims are true, then Rudy is guilty of being in possession of child pornography that he has copied and stored for sale or for the purposes of political blackmail.
The hard drives are not admissible as evidence in court, as the ownership of the data on those hard drives is not traceable. Russia doctors computer data all the time for blackmail or political propaganda. The "chain of evidence" is not admissible.
Hal Sparks continues: "If then Rudy is disseminating child pornography for the sake of blackmail only, where the person that is the target of the blackmail or the coercion or the political damage has had nothing to do with it, he is literally harboring child porn simply for its use as a weapon and he carries it into his own possession and is offering it for sale, there is no upside where Rudy Giuliani isn't in deep crap. It's crazy."
"Rudy is officially the dumbest person."
Hal Sparks's YouTube channel is here.