Psaki Wipes The Floor With Peter Doocy -- Again

"I think you're misunderstanding how this process actually works." That's putting it kindly, Jen Psaki.

Boy, isn't it rich to see Baby Doocy pushing the Biden White House on finding the origins of COVID-19, citing the virus' death toll as if he and his Fox "News" viewers find it upsetting and outrageous? As if it wasn't TraitorTrump's administration who pretended COVID was a hoax, and who didn't give a flying f*ck about the rising death toll. As if it was BIDEN who flew all around the nation holding ego-stroking rallies and telling folks to ditch the masks and open businesses while everyone was dropping like flies during a pandemic.

"But, with 589,920 dead Americans, at what point does President Biden say, 'We don't want to wait for the WHO. We don't know what they're doing. This needs to be an American-led effort to get to the bottom of what happened,'?" asked Peter Doocy, speaking of the WHO's investigation, which is a multi-nation effort.

Jen Psaki responded, "Well, first of all, we need access to the underlying data and information in order to have that investigation..." but Baby Doocy didn't allow her to finish.

"But he talks all the time about how he's known President Xi for a long time, why can't he just call and ask him for that information?" Doocy interrupted.


With the patience of a sainted pre-school teacher, Psaki responded, "I think you're misunderstanding how this process actually works." SO DO WE, JEN, SO DO WE.

"An international investigation, led by the World Health Organization, is something that we've actually been pressing for for several months, in coordination with a range of partners around the world. We need that data, we need that information from the Chinese government," she continued. "What we can't do, and what we caution anyone doing, is leaping ahead of an actual international process. We don't have data and information to jump to a conclusion at this point in time."

Pesky Pete kept pressing, though.

"Is there any amount of casualties from COVID in this country that would make you want not wait for an international effort and just do"

See, now, *I* would have interrupted him to say, "Is there any amount of actual scientific fact that would make your network stop pushing lies about masking and vaccines? Is there any amount of truth-telling your network will engage in to wake your viewers up from their death-cult stupor? That would have certainly brought down that death toll by the hundreds of thousands. GOOD DAY, SIR."

Instead, Psaki said, "Well, I have to say, I think the loved ones whose lives have been lost deserve accurate information, data, not jumping to a conclusion, without having the information necessary to conclude what the origins are. What we do share, everyone in this country, is a desire to know how this started, where it started, and prevent it from ever happening again. That's something we all share."

At which point she pulled out a liter of vodka and a straw.

KIDDING, but who would blame her?

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