Sunday Morning Bobblehead Thread
Your Memorial Day Weekend line-up, plus a tiny plug for the Oxford comma.
I was taught in elementary school to never use an Oxford comma. It was not until I was an adult that I learned I'd been educated into one side of a great grammatical debate, or even that what I was being told to NOT use was called the Oxford comma. I was simply taught that when lists were written out in a sentence, they went, "A, B and C."
That's how I did it. It's what Mrs. Dounay taught me.
I've since changed my ways, as I have since Mrs. Seigel, my typing teacher in 7th grade instilled the dogma of two spaces after typing a period. I'm flexible in thought that way.
It sure is fun, though, to participate in the debate that still rages on.
And always remember to use the Oxford comma, kids.
— agustina vergara cid (@agustinavcid) May 28, 2021
I'm a staunch supporter of the Oxford Comma but I'm more of a supporter of the theory that Harry Reid was also a secret member of Blink 182, therefore:
— Milton Lawson (@citizenmilton) May 29, 2021
Harry Reid waking up today and finding out people may think he’s the lead singer of Blink-182..
— teatime75 (@teatime75) May 29, 2021
I took this photo at my first @blink182 concert. Man, Harry Reid sure nailed those songs.
— THRILLHO (@perfectlycrom) May 29, 2021
Now, of course, there's the argument that only a COMPLETE IDIOT would read that title, as written, to mean that Harry Reid was (1) a terrorist interrogator, (2) the singer from Blink-182, AND (3) the one who took UFOs mainstream, because there was no second comma after "Blink-182."
You could make that argument if you wanted to. Or you could lighten up and just enjoy a little silliness on the bird app.
Here's your Memorial Day Sunday morning line-up, in case you're paying the slightest bit of attention to politics this weekend!
From Politico:
- FOX“Fox News Sunday”: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg … Sen. Shelly Moore Capito (R-W.Va.). Panel: Jason Chaffetz, Kristen Soltis Anderson and Juan Williams.
- CBS“Face the Nation”: Scott Gottlieb … Art Acevedo … Kevin Washington … Stephen Kaufer … Paul Gionfriddo.
- MSNBC“The Sunday Show”: Sen. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) … Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) … Matthew Dowd … Jonathan Greenblatt … Stanley Nelson … Jazz Hampton … Marco Williams … Arun Gandhi … Bernice King … Donna Edwards.
- NBC“Meet the Press”: Matthew Pottinger … Peter Hotez … Chuck Rosenberg … Andrew Weissmann. Panel: Geoff Bennett, Stephanie Cutter, Sara Fagen and Anne Gearan.
- CNN“State of the Union”: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg … Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) … Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) … Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.).
- CNN“Inside Politics”: Panel: Seung Min Kim, Jonathan Martin, Catherine Lucey, Brittany Shepherd and Yasmeen Abutaleb.
- ABC“This Week”: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. Panel: Keith Alexander, Tom Bossert and Niloofar Howe. Panel: Jonathan Karl, Terry Moran, Michel Martin and Laura Barrón-López.
How goes your first weekend of summer, people?