Traitor Trump Launches A Blog Like It's 1995

Donald Trump has been forced to launch his own "social media platform" after being banned from Twitter, Facebook, Tiktok, YouTube, Pinterest, Etsy, Yahoo Groups and Ask Jeeves.

The Former Guy and his closest allies have been banned from 10 social media sites since January of 2021. Those sites are: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Amazon Web Services, Snapchat, Reddit, Twitch, LiquidWeb and Shopify. Trump promised he would launch his own BIG, BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING social media service of his own...and today he did. Except it is not a social media platform. It is a blog. To be precise, it is a blog page on his already existent website which allows him to write...blurbs. LIke, wordpress or livejournal from the late 1990's.

His scuzzball communications director, deadbeat dad Jason Miller, put out this tweet which was mocked faster than the speed of light:

Ari Melber, host of The Beat with Ari Melber on MSNBC went IN and I can't stop laughing.

MELBER: Instead he's launched a blog. It is a section of his website that operates like a Wordpress blog. and so, Chai, I'm not here to make Donald Trump look ridiculous. Today he's done that all by himself. They didn't need to pretend or lie that they were going to create an app or a tech platform. If they put millions into it, that would have been an interesting thing. What does it tell you that he is going straight blogspot, straight Live Journal, straight back to '95, baby.

KOMANDURI: Well, I think the reality is he couldn't put it together. He didn't have the access to the kind of engineering and venture capital, quite frankly. Perhaps his friend, Peter Thiel, refused to help him out. He could have easily helped him out in terms of that putting together. But he couldn't put it together. Really what this shows you is how much Donald Trump needed the platform of Twitter, how much of a conservative movement needs access to Facebook to really push their message. without Twitter, as the writer for the Atlantic said, Donald Trump started out as a lion and ended up as President of the United States. That is a result of Twitter. That is something he learned when he did the birther conspiracy. He was able to use Twitter to move that conspiracy and get the media to cover it. Now nobody is covering anything he has to say. It's just going to be another blog on the internet, uncovered by everybody except for a few people on the right wing media. It is rally very sad and pathetic, but that's kind of where Trump has ended up. He's ended up as just another blogger on the internet, not the most powerful man in what was once the most powerful part of the United States.

Twitter had....thoughts:

I SNORT LAUGHED because this pretty much nails it:

What's next? The return of dialup internet? VHS tapes? Slap bracelets?

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