Traitor Trump Tries To Sneak Back Onto Twitter In Disguise

The seditious ex-president creates an account that EVERYONE recognized as his, and almost immediately the Twitterverse rallies to get the account suspended.

Is this the "John Miller/John Barron" version of Trump's attempt to get Twitter attention?

Twitter users noticed a new account called "The Desk Of Donald J. Trump," whose handle was @DJTDesk. He wasn't even trying to hide that it was him. Just like when he called a publicist claiming to be John Miller/Barron, he barely disguised his voice.

What a mediocre piece of crap loser.

Anyhow, users immediately caught on and called upon Twitter Support and Jack to end the account.

Pretty soon, #RemoveTrumpJack was trending.

This movement gathered so much steam so quickly, the account was suspended within the day, within hours. Didn't even last...well, take it away, @Bluegal.

Not that there won't be more...there already are.

And we go after them again...

Like many, I want to know what happened to this promise...

Oh, I know. It's not like he ever kept a promise in his entire life...

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