Aw, Matt Gaetz's Job Application At Newsmax Was Declined

Why is Matt Gaetz looking for a job in right-wing media? Isn't he perfectly happy representing the people of his Florida district?

Report: Cable News Channel Is Not Hiring Pedophile-Adjacent Applicants

Comedy ensues as Congress’ Aging Prom Date, pedophile-adjacent Rep. Matt Gaetz tries to find gainful employment, you know, should he have to suddenly pay legal fees to defend himself after he is eventually kicked out of the House (or something, but only guessing), er, a graceful exit strategy:

Newsmax turned down embattled Republican Matt Gaetz for a job


“Gaetz contacted Newsmax early this year, a source at the outlet said. That was around the time that news broke Gaetz was the subject of a federal investigation into possible sex trafficking of a minor. …

“‘Newsmax has had no plans to hire Rep. Gaetz,’ said Brian Peterson, a spokesperson for the website. A source familiar with Newsmax’s policies said: ‘Earlier this year, (Gaetz) reached out and said he might leave Congress early and was interested in TV work.’ The three-term Florida congressman’s approach to Newsmax management was ‘just a conversation’ and Newsmax ‘never told him we were interested’ in hiring him, the source said.”

Wingnut Welfare usually is pretty generous, a fine refuge for scoundrels to wait-out/rehab themselves before returning to the Circuit, and thus a seat at the proverbial curvy couch is the easiest entry point in the Right’s ecosystem. So a certifiable (rhetorical) bomb-thrower like Gaetz being given the ol’ Don’t call us, we’ll call you treatment from a third-tier cable news network seems, uh, like a career-ender.

Show some pride, Matt: don’t go pleading to OAN.

Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors

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