AZ Voting Data Was Secretly Moved To MONTANA For ‘Review’

Arizona Republicans have handed over 2020 election material to their unqualified “auditor” and they can’t be bothered to make sure any of it is being properly safeguarded.

AZ Voting Data Was Secretly Moved To MONTANA For ‘Review’

The material secretly taken out of Arizona to an undisclosed location is from Maricopa County, which just happens to have gone for Biden over Trump in November. The Republicans' recklessness with the data is just breathtaking. It's almost as if they want it destroyed.

From Arizona Republic:

Ben Cotton, founder of tech firm CyFIR, a Senate subcontractor, made copies of the county's election server and other election data and then drove the copies to a "secure lab" in Montana, according to Senate liaison Ken Bennett. The Senate was given county voters' private information, but Bennett said he doesn't know if Cotton has copies of that in Montana.

It appears that the "secure lab" might be a home owned by Cotton in the northern Montana wilderness. Bennett said he didn't know, and Cotton and Cyber Ninjas, the Senate's main contractors, refuse to answer questions.

There’s a lot more that Senate liaison Ken Bennett doesn’t know and doesn’t seem to want to know. According to Arizona Republic reporter Jen Fifeld, Bennett also doesn’t know what steps are being taken to keep the data secure, how it is being stored, whether CyFIR is keeping copies of the data or who has access. One thing Bennett does know is that no one representing the Arizona Senate is overseeing CyFIR’s review in Montana.

Bennett also didn’t seem to think Arizonans needed to know that their data was being secretly moved out of state to an unknown location, either. The move was only discovered after an audit observer for the Arizona secretary of state heard a rumor and asked Bennett about it, Fifeld noted. He told the observer that the voting data had been sent to “a lab” in Montana. But the only known address for Cotton’s business in Montana is a log cabin he owns.

Arizona has already conducted two independent audits of its election via accredited firms. None of the firms involved in the Republican audit are accredited.

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