Colbert Hammers US Catholic Bishops Over Biden Communion

Stephen Colbert, himself a Roman Catholic, takes the US Conference of Bishops to task over their consideration of denying communion to Joe Biden due to his pro-choice political stance.

Stephen Colbert is Catholic.

But, as the CBS late night host noted in Monday's monologue, President Joe Biden is REALLY Catholic.

"Now, listen. People know this, I'm Catholic," said Colbert. "But Biden is sooo Catholic. He's the only guest I've ever spent time with backstage talking about the consolations of God and the need for daily rosary — so far! Ball's in your court, Andrew Garfield!"

Members of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, in contradiction to the Vatican's wishes (yeah) want to deny President Biden communion over his pro-choice, NOT pro-abortion, political stance. "Yep, they're Holy Ghosting him," said Colbert.

Then Stephen went for the kill and twisted the comedy knife -- ouch.

"I'm not sure how serious the bishops are here — if they really wanted to punish Biden, they'd move him to a different parish and not tell anyone why they did it."

"That joke is based on a true story." Colbert noted.

He closed out the bit with a nod to presidential history: "This is a big deal for a lot of reasons, one of which is that Biden is only the second Catholic to occupy the White House, after John Kennedy. But JFK was never denied communion, because he always went to confession after banging Marilyn Monroe."

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