Fox News Gives Ron Johnson Airtime To Promote His Anti-Vaxxer Event
Ron Johnson went on Fox on Sunday to promote his anti-vaxxer event that he is holding on Monday.
On Monday, Ron Johnson is going to hold a Mike Lindell-type event to promote his anti-vaxxer conspiracy theories. On Sunday, Fox and Friends gave him air time to plug the event, when they weren't busy gushing all over him:
And, by the way, that compares to 31 years worth of Vaers-reported 5039 deaths. So just in six months we've almost approach the number of deaths the system reported in 31 years of reporting. The CDC is just ignoring it. Ken Ruettgers, the former Green Bay Packers star reached out to me. His wife had a very serious neurological side effects or adverse effect, got connected to a group of women that just want to be seen, they want to be heard, they want to be believed in. At least take them seriously.
Campos-Duffy: You've been on the forefront of so much of this with early treatment, the origins of COVID virus and also on this with the vaccines. Why do you think you're getting so much resistance, not just from big tech, but we see so many other sources of media are covering up the information you're trying to put out there. You're just trying to say let's look at all of this. Why are they afraid of this transparency?
RoJo: That is the 64 thousand dollar question. During the pandemic, the Internet could have been used to completely disseminate and exchange useful medical information. Doctors are trying to deal with. Instead, they censored and suppressed information on early treatments. And now it seems like they're trying to cover up this early warning system from the CDC itself. I asked for faith in the American people to be able to be told the truth and make decisions themselves as to whether or not they want to be vaccinated.
There's quite a few problems with RoJo's spiel.
First of all, the VAERS number he cites is unverified. How many of those people filed false reports? And how many of the people who really did get sick and/or die after being vaccinated, died from reasons other than the vaccine? And he's really alarmed over an alleged 4,000 deaths, when over 600,000 thousand people have died because they didn't get the vaccine? Really?!
But they did get one thing correct. RoJo has been getting slammed for his reckless and dangerous rhetoric:
Democratic Gov. Tony Evers called Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson "reckless and irresponsible" after Johnson announced plans Friday to hold a news conference bringing together people who claim to have had serious health complications in reaction to the vaccine.
"The #COVID19 vaccine is safe and effective and based on years of science and research. Every time you suggest otherwise, you’re jeopardizing the health and safety of the people of our state and our economic recovery," Evers said in a tweet.
Dr. Jeff Huebner, a family doctor in Madison, said Johnson was “promoting dangerous and unfounded claims about COVID-19 vaccines” that contradict medical data and evidence.
“As a member of the Wisconsin medical community I’m gravely concerned about the impact his event and remarks will have on our ability to return to normal and protect Wisconsinites from COVID-19.,” Huebner said in a statement.
But that is what responsible adults do. They're supposed to correct the lies that people tell.
2022 just can't get here soon enough. The state — and the country — need RoJo gone now.