Wingers Melt Down Over Juneteenth Holiday

Leave it to white supremacists to throw hissy fits that the official end of slavery becomes a national holiday.

Certain white people are bigly mad that President Joe Biden made Juneteenth a federal holiday.

Witness this absurdity from Charlie Kirk:

How quickly he forgets:

The move to make this federal holiday official proceeded from proposal to signing in three days, and with near unanimity from Republican lawmakers. That's enraging to Kirk.

Here's one of the fifteen GKKKP members of Congress who voted against it:

(One can only hope he's referring to slavery as our darkest moment, not the end of slavery. But one never can tell these days.)

First of all, someone needs to explain to Charlie that it's actually okay to have two summer holidays. It's even okay if one of those holidays is based on race. After all, there is a holiday in January that honors a man who is celebrated for making racial equality his life's work, isn't there? This is a whole five months later!

Second of all, someone needs to tell Matt that no one is replacing the Fourth of July with Juneteenth. It's alright to have two holidays in close proximity to one another. Maybe introduce him to a calendar, show him the month of December, and explain that Christmas and New Year's Day are one week apart. It's been like that for YEARS. No one is concerned that New Year's Day will replace Christmas.

Thirdly, someone needs to introduce BOTH of these morons to a JEWISH person, who will tell them that each month of the Jewish calendar (which consists of either 29 or 30 days,) contains approximately 47 days of holidays, so they should either STFU and stop complaining, or just come right out and admit they hate Black people.

And to these racists who are mad?

Finally, there are even people on the left who are mad about this, saying things along the lines of, "Big deal. Make election day a federal holiday if you want to impress me," and/or "This is just symbolic. Pfffft." To them, I say, tell that to Rep. Joyce Beatty. Tell that to Rep. Maxine Waters. Tell that to Vice President Kamala Harris.

Tell that to 94-year-old Opal Lee, who's life work has included tireless dedication to national recognition of this holiday.

We can walk and chew gum at the same time. We are trying to make election day a federal holiday. That's in the Voting Rights Bill so many of us are trying to get passed. Joe Manchin and Stacey Abrams even agree it should be in a compromise he proposed.

So now that it's a holiday, let's hope teachers are actually allowed to educate their students about it.

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