Justice Department Is Suing Georgia Over Voting Rights

A traditionalist like Merrick Garland backs up the constitutional right to vote.

Now that the Senate has blocked the For the People Act, it's time for some hand-to-hand combat with Republican State legislatures.

And Merrick Garland landed the first punch today, announcing a civil rights lawsuit against the State of Georgia. Wapo:

“Georgia experienced record voter turnout and participation rates in the 2020 election cycle. … This is cause for celebration,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said in announcing the lawsuit. Instead, he said, the Georgia legislature passed a bill whose provisions “make it harder for people to vote. The [federal] complaint alleges that the state enacted those restrictions to deny or abridge the right to vote on the basis of race or color.”...

Garland said he also directed the Justice Department to establish a task force to bolster efforts to protect election workers from abuse and threats, citing recent news accounts that such intimidation tactics have been on the rise. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco issued a memo to the department’s staff detailing the new measures...

Liberal groups and some Democratic lawmakers have expressed frustration over what they see as Garland’s slow and insufficient efforts to overturn some of the Trump administration’s policies and practices at the Justice Department. But officials said the Georgia lawsuit represents a deliberate but forceful effort by Garland and his team to stand up for voting rights of minorities. Gupta, Clark and Pam Karlan, the principal deputy assistant attorney general, helped develop the lawsuit over the past few months, and officials indicated that more such actions could come against other GOP-led jurisdictions.

I hope Georgia taxpayers are happy. Their tax dollars will go to defending their state blocking their own voting rights, AGAIN.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, cheater, is doubling down.

A message for Republicans like Kemp:

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