Despite Court Order, Mark McCloskey Shows Off A New Gun
Missouri US Senate candidate Mark McCloskey tweets about getting a new gun despite a court order.

On Thursday, as part of a plea agreement, Mark McCloskey just entered guilty pleas to numerous misdemeanors to the gun-waving incident last year and had to pay thousands of dollars in fines and having to give up the gun he had brandished at peaceful racial justice protesters. On Saturday, he tweeted pictures of himself holding the new AR that he had just purchased:
Checking out my new AR! #2A #MOSen
— Mark McCloskey (@mccloskeyusa) June 19, 2021
But wait, there's more. There's always more.
After entering the guilty pleas, he stood on the courthouse steps and tried to turn it into a campaign stunt in his race for US Senate:
As the Post-Dispatch’s Joel Currier reported Thursday, Mark McCloskey was anything but contrite after the plea. “The prosecutor dropped every charge except for alleging that I purposely placed other people in imminent risk of physical injury, right, and I sure as heck did,” McCloskey said on the courthouse steps. “That’s what the guns were there for and I’d do it again any time the mob approaches me. … If that’s a crime in Missouri, by God I did it, and I’d do it again.”
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch also editorialized the the guilty pleas and ad hoc campaign stunt were more than enough grounds disbarment. I couldn't agree more.