Australia's PM Says He Didn't Sh*t His Pants At McDonald's In 1997

As Australia's COVID crisis worsens because of low vaccination rates, Scott Morrison took time to dispel what he called an urban myth.

With his approval ratings are tumbling and COVID cases soaring, Australia's Prime Minister would rather talk about just about anything else, which is why he recently brought up the so-called 'soiled pants at Maccas' rumour during a radio interview, an internet meme that came to light in 2019. Maccas is Australian slang for McDonald's.

Just 9% of Australians are fully vaccinated, compared to over 48% in the United States. They're currently in their third lockdown.

Source: Gizmodo

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison would like the world to know that he didn’t shit his pants at McDonald’s after attending a rugby match in 1997. Why would Morrison bring up such a thing? It’s better than talking about the covid-19 situation in Australia right now.

The Prime Minister’s alleged pants-shitting incident became a meme in 2019 and street artists had a field day, even putting up a commemorative plaque at the McDonald’s location in Engadine, New South Wales where it supposedly happened.

But the Prime Minister told an Australian radio show on Thursday, Kyle and Jackie O, that he never soiled himself in a McDonald’s. As the Australian newspaper notes, the discussion was largely about typical stuff you might hear from a politician on the radio before things started to get weird.

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