AZ Audit A Bust, So Now They Want To Canvass Door-To-Door

Unable to come up with anything to justify overturning the 2020 election results, Arizona Republicans want to enable the frauditors to intimidate voters into providing the data they desperately seek.

You may recall that the audit was supposed have finished in May, with a report in August. But instead, the Republicans claim they need more information. In other words, they got nothing so they plan to try a different tactic to subvert the election.

From Arizona Republic:

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann said Thursday that the Legislature needs more materials and data from Maricopa County for an unprecedented and controversial review of 2020 election results that is deep into its third month.

I think we can be sure that if there was any there there, they'd be shouting about it all over Fox News.

So here’s their Plan B: Try to scare voters into doing their bidding.

The Republicans had previously wanted to knock on voters’ doors to question them but put the plan on hold after the U.S. Department of Justice said it could violate federal laws against voter intimidation.

Now, they appear desperate enough to risk it. Doug Logan, the Trumper CEO of the totally unqualified, out-of-state Cyber Ninjas firm leading the audit said, “Based on the data we’re seeing, I highly recommend we do the canvassing because it’s the one way to know for sure whether the data we’re seeing are real problems,” Arizona Republic reported.

Logan also argued for proceeding with door-to-door canvassing. The Senate has maintained that canvassers would not ask voters who they supported in the election and instead would seek to verify if voters actually cast a ballot. But Logan has previously declined to say how they would select households.

I don’t know about you but if some stranger from an out-of-state company showed up on my doorstep, claiming to be an election auditor and asking if I had voted in the last election, I’d probably say no, just to get rid of him or her.

And that is probably exactly what the frauditors are hoping for.

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