Biden Trounces Doocy's Ridiculous Mask Question
Maybe if people had gotten vaccinated instead of listening to Fox News, we wouldn't have the rapid spread of the Delta variant, nor the need for renewed masking guidelines!
Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre did a fine job of stringing up Peter Doocy at the White House press briefing yesterday all on her own regarding renewed and stronger mask guidance coming from the CDC and, hence, the Biden administration. Apparently, that wasn't a big enough ass-smacking for Baby Doocy.
Not more than an hour after that WH briefing, and immediately after Pres. Biden spent a good 30 minutes explaining with great detail and example the need for people to get vaccinated and continue to wear masks, Doocy begged for a smackdown from the big man himself.
"Mr. President, you said if you were fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask," whined Doocy, as if he were a toddler arguing for a later bedtime.
"No, I didn't say that," answered Biden sharply.
"You did!" insisted Baby Doocy.
Though the chaos agent "reporter" did not deserve the restraint Biden showed, Biden said, "I said if you're fully vaccinated in an area where you do not have, well let me clarify..."
Doocy still dared to interrupt the President of the United States, talking over him, to stomp his foot and screech, "In May, you made it sound like the vaccine was the ticket to losing the mask forever!"
Biden had had enough.
"That was true at the time!" he shot back. "Because I thought there were people who were going to UNDERSTAND that getting vaccinated made a gigantic difference!"
Then Biden explained what really happened (though he didn't spell out whose fault it was...*ahem* Fox News *ahem* Republican a$$holes *ahem* anti-vaxxers)
"And what happened was, the new variant came along, they didn't get vaccinated, it was spread more rapidly, and more people were getting sick. That's the difference!"
In other words, if Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and f*cking REPUBLICANS didn't exist, this pandemic would be OVER.