Blaire Erskine: Statement From Communications Director For TX Gov. Abbott

Another parody winner from Blaire Erskine.

"If we could say one thing to the Texas Democrats right now....y'all are being sneaky now. Come on back to Texas now, ok, we got -we're gonna arrest- we got work to do, because like Governor Abbott always says, *stammers*...Winners never quit and Texas doesn't quit. .... Here's the thing, our bill is pretty straightforward. All we want to do is...."

- end drive through votin'
- end extended hours for early votin'
- end waitin' in the car while their friend is votin'
- end drinking water while votin'

...and after some more stammerin', "We want to end votin'. And so it's not complicated." Eazy peazy. Nailing Abbott and other of his ilk.

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