CNN Exposes Extent Of Fox, Newsmax Insidious Anti-Vax Propaganda

Why does conservative media want their viewers to die?

CNN's New Day highlighted the anti-vax propaganda of conservative media, and watching it really exposes the extent to which viewers are indoctrinated.

"So 607,771 Americans have died of the coronavirus. More than 99% of the people dying from covid right now are unvaccinated," Brianna Keilar said.

Rob Schmitt on Newsmax:

Obviously I'm not a doctor, but I've always thought about vaccines and think about nature and the way everything works, and I feel like a vaccination in a weird way is just generally kind of going against nature. if there's some disease out there, maybe there's just an ebb and flow to life where something supposed to wipe out certain amount of people and that's just kind of the way evolution goes, vaccines kind of stand in the way of that.

John Berman repeated, "607,771 Americans have died of coronavirus. 99% of the people dying right now are unvaccinated."

Tucker Carlson:

So maybe it doesn't work and they're simply not telling you that? Well, you hate to think that, especially if you've gotten two shots. But what's the other potential explanation?

"In Los Angeles, where cases are up right now, none, none of the hospitals has admitted a single covid patient who was fully vaccinated. The director says, quote, 'At this point this really is a preventable illness, a preventable infection," Keilar said.

"This truly is the optional portion of the pandemic. To underscore that point, the Biden administration is sending people to communities to educate those who are misinformed or may be skeptical of the vaccine, they're not showing up to force needles," Berman said.

Laura Ingraham:

The Biden administration is about to take their pressure campaign to your doorstep. Now, Republican officials are already pushing back, and this is great. Missouri's governor Mike Parson politely told the feds to take their vaccine evangelization elsewhere.

Lauren Boebert:

Don't come knocking on my door with your Fauci ouchie. You leave us the hell alone.
Now starting to talk about going door to door to be able to take vaccines to the people. Think about what those mechanisms can be used for. Go door to door and take your guns and Bibles.
They're going to knock on your door. They're going to demand that you take it. And they're going to give you a third shot.
When it comes to medical privacy, they've become like the Taliban, which is a real problem.
The focus of this administration on vaccination is mind boggling.

"Again: 607,771 Americans have died of the virus and 99% of the people dying right now are unvaccinated," Keilar said.

Charlie Kirk:

At Truning Point USA, we'll give everything we have to make sure that students are not going to have to live in a medical apartheid because they don't want to get the vaccine. This is a big statement but it's almost this apartheid-style open air hostage situation. oh, you can have your freedom back if you get the jab.

"It is just undeniable being vaccinated will open up freedoms to work, to play, to accelerate the economy, quite frankly, to keep breathing," Berman said.

Fake Fox News doctor:

Overall, the equation is very unfavorable for vaccination of anyone below age 30. unless we really have a compelling case no, one under age 30 should be seeing any one of these vaccines.

"In Miami, the hospital system is seeing a surge. They're seeing a surge in covid cases among people in their 30s and 40s, twice as many patients this past weekend than they had earlier in the month," Berman said.

"And then in Tennessee, the Republican-led state just fired its vaccination chief over what she says were efforts to get teens vaccinated. And now because of politics, the state is scrapping all outreach to children for any vaccine. not just for covid, for all diseases," Keilar said.

Will Cain, Fox News:

I cannot believe that we are on the verge against all science of mandating vaccines for children. that we're on the verge of East German-style 'show me your papers.'

Fox again:

There are so many good flight attendants out there but there are some flight attendants that take their job as the mask police to extremes.

that is true.

Nazis of the air.

"Millions of Americans are seeing this nonsensical, nonscientific propaganda instead of this -- [ labored breathing ]

"607,771 Americans have died of the coronavirus. 99% of the people dying right now are unvaccinated," Keilar said.

"Children are dying in other countries that don't have access to vaccines of any kind. Many of the Americans who died last year would not have died with the vaccine currently available right now for free. 607,771 Americans dead. Some, many, maybe even most of whom would be alive today if the vaccine had been there in time for them," Berman said.

"And when history asks how so many Americans died when they could have been saved by a simple shot or two, you'll see these tv clips again that we have just shown in documentaries about the cautionary tale that's been America's response to the coronavirus pandemic. About how a large part of our country misled by information often echoed by elected officials and right wing media was thrown a life raft and instead said, no," Keilar concluded.

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