Fox Hosts Accuse CDC Of Evil Hidden Agenda

If anyone is wondering why we have so many maskholes and vaccine hesitant wingnuts in the United States, it's because a good deal of them are watching segments like this one from Fox “news” day in and day out.

If anyone is wondering why we have so many maskholes and vaccine hesitant wingnuts in the United States, it's because a good deal of them are watching segments like this one from Fox “news” day in and day out.

Fox has been doing their best to kill off as many of their viewers as humanly possible since the pandemic began, and this weekend was no exception. The hosts of Fox & Friends attacked CDC Director Rochelle Walensky for updating the guidance on wearing masks, now that they've realized that the Delta coronavirus variant is still highly transmissible, even if you're vaccinated.

The line of the week from the talking heads on Fox has been that everyone is just very “confused,” because apparently comprehending new data about the virus mutating, and the fact that CDC guidance may change as the information they're studying changes, is just a leap too far for any of them. In fact, they're still praising the likes of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for standing up for the “freedom” of the people living in their states to continue to help spread this disease like wildfire.

They're also fearmongering about coming lockdowns, even though no one is calling for them yet, and painting the request for kids to wear masks as “muzzling them.”

Co-hosts Rachel Campos-Duffy and Pete Hegseth took things a step further this morning, and accused the CDC of playing politics, and of having some secret nefarious agenda that they don't really want to tell us about, but somehow let slip.

Here's Hegseth, right after Lawrence Jones basically told anyone living in Texas to move if they don't like what Abbott is doing.

HEGSETH: For sure, and that's why in Florida, specifically what you're referring to, the executive order signed by Ron DeSantis saying, you won't be putting mask mandatory on kids in schools. Greg Abbott to say no lockdowns, shutdowns, things like that. They're taking it into your own hands.

Because, and you said this earlier in six clock hour, and it's right. I feel, what we are seeing is their public utterances are not what they're really feeling behind the scenes...


HEGSETH: If they could, they would mask everybody up and lock everybody down and mandate the vaccine. That's the control mindset of this modern Democrat party and the “science-based” approach, but they know that would be met with such fierce resistance because we are still freedom loving people in this country, most of us, that they hem and haw, and they try to find a scientific rationalization for something that's not there!


HEGSETH: And then it's just confusing for everybody who want to go about their lives. They have the information. They can make the choice to get the vaccine and so far, thankfully the vaccine has shown to be very robust against the delta variant and every other one. Hospitalizations down, deaths down, and that's a great thing.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: Yeah, and lots of people already had covid and have those natural immunities, and I think that we are getting close to herd immunity, but you are right, you know, I brought this up earlier, you know, when you have kids and you catch them in a lie, their stories just don't add up.

And so you get this feeling from this CDC that they're having one conversation behind closed doors exactly about what they really want to do. I don't know why they want to do that. And then they come back in the public and they're not supposed to tell us that, but somehow, they get their stories mixed up.

And maybe they're just testing the waters to see if we will react to it. What are they doing it? But either way, I think I just have to look at the polling and 74 percent of Americans say they're against any mandates.

And we've been talking, you know, all day Pete, about you know, about kids and masking it and, you know, I think they told us last year that, you know, at the end of the school year, look, just push through, two more months of mask mandates. In the fall, your kids won't have to be muzzled up. But now look. Here we are.

And as the CDC makes these recommendations, you bet that there's a lot of local health departments that are going to follow through, and a lot of schools who are going to be afraid to not institute mask mandates even though parents, for the most part, don't want them.

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