Happy Canada Day, Eh

Stewart Reynolds encourages all Canadians to celebrate Canada Day, despite everything.

It hasn't been that great a year since COVID changed everything. Couple that with recent revelations in Canada about the residential school system for indigenous children where the native children were systematically taken from their communities to get "educated" and often abused. As The Guardian wrote yesterday,

On Wednesday, the remains of 182 people were found at a former school in British Columbia – weeks after 215 unmarked graves were found at an institution in the province and 751 in Saskatchewan. Murray Sinclair, who led the TRC, suggests as many as 15,000 died – one in 10 of the students. Since the state funded over 130 schools, and many more were run by churches, others believe the toll could be much higher.

A nation's shame.

Even today, in many areas substandard housing, without adequate heat or clean running water, is often the case on native reserves in Canada. And in 2021, there's no excuse for that.

So, despite all this, and many other issues, Reynolds says to get out and celebrate Canada Day, and strive to do better in the future. “Enjoy your day of rest, because we have a lot of work to do…”

About as typical a Canadian patriotic message as any on Canada Day.

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