Newsmax Host Suggests Covid Vaccines Are Against Nature
"Like, I mean, if there is some disease out there — maybe there's just an ebb and flow to life where something's supposed to wipe out a certain amount of people, and that's just kind of the way evolution goes," said Schmitt.
Yeah, who are we with all our fancy book learnin' to stand in the way of Mother Nature when she wants to wipe us out? Really, the **** that comes of the mouths of these rightwing media nutjobs just kind of boggles the mind at times. If you were at a bar and some guy started spouting crap like this you'd laugh in his face and move to another part of the bar.
Source: The Hill
A Newsmax host suggested late last week that coronavirus vaccines may be “against nature” and asked a university professor if some deadly diseases are “supposed to wipe out a certain amount of people."
The remarks came while host Rob Schmitt was interviewing Peter McCullough, an associate professor in Texas A&M University's Department of Health and Kinesiology.
Like, I mean, if there is some disease out there — maybe there's just an ebb and flow to life where something's supposed to wipe out a certain amount of people, and that's just kind of the way evolution goes. Vaccines kind of stand in the way of that. Do you follow what I'm saying? Does that make sense to somebody in medicine?
And for some reason, Newsmax had this PhD in Kinesiology on to talk about vaccines. He couldn't offer any answer to Schmitt's brain fart of a question, saying there isn't "any long-term data on the newer vaccines."
Newsmax host suggests vaccines are “against nature,” and some diseases are “supposed to wipe out a certain amount of people”
— Jason Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) July 12, 2021