Psaki Stuffs Doocy Into A Locker Again

Peter Doocy trying to talk down to Jen Psaki? It's like a 13-year-old boy who still eats paste and scribbles with crayons talking down to Frida Kahlo.

My parents used to teach with a woman had a great saying about little sh*ts like Peter Doocy: "I wish I could buy him for what he's worth, and sell him for what he thinks he's worth." If Jen Psaki could do that with Doocy, she'd be a gazzillionaire.

Check out Nepotism Nitwit thinking he has the stature to cosplay condescension on someone galaxies out of his intellectual league.

"Now that you've had a few days to think about it, does this White House still think the protests in Cuba are happening because people are upset about a rise in COVID cases there, or is there some thought maybe given to the possibility that they are protesting because they are sick of communism?" asked Doocy, taking an intentionally superior tone. As if Psaki and the White House just couldn't manage to map out a response to Fox News' sNeAkY, sleuthy Hardy Boys questions, and needed big strategy sessions to compose their answers.

What a twat.

Psaki just blew right by that bullsh*t, and answered him with patience he doesn't deserve, detail he will never understand, and nuance he will never grasp.

"Well, Peter, first I would say that communism is a failed ideology, and we certainly believe that. It has failed the people of Cuba. They deserve freedom. They deserve a government that supports them, whether that is making sure they have health and medical supplies, access to vaccines, or whether they have economic opportunity and prosperity," Psaki replied.

"Instead, this has been a government, an authoritarian, communist regime that has repressed its people and has failed the people of Cuba. Hence, we're seeing them in the streets. But I would note that the ideology of the government, which has failed, has led to a lack of access to economic opportunity, to medical supplies, to COVID vaccines, so all of those pieces are true," she concluded.

Doocy, the Fox "News" propaganda pushers, and their eager audience can never understand that more than one thing can be true at the same time. It's a complex concept for their audience to receive, and remember how the higher ups at Fox (and in the GOP) like their audiences: simple.

Oh, and lest you think I have taken my eye off the other Peter, (Alexander, that is) check him out at the six-second mark. His deep breathing says it all.

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