Rep. Thomas Massie Tweets That Military Will Quit If Vaccine Mandated

The Kentucky congressman seemed oblivious to the concept of going 'AWOL'.

See, this is what happens when you elect people to Congress who are little more than glorified trolls. They say stupid **** almost on a daily basis and do a disservice to the people they supposedly represent by giving out misinformation and outright lies.

Source: Courier Journal

Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., tweeted Saturday that members of the U.S. military have contacted him saying they will 'quit' if forced to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

The tweet, which had more than 7,000 likes by Monday, has caused controversy on Twitter as others on the platform informed Massie that members of the armed forces cannot simply "quit" the military.

Massie wrote in the tweet, "I've been contacted by members of our voluntary military who say they will quit if the COVID vaccine is mandated."

So what happens to anyone who does what Massie says they'd do?

Once a member of the military reports to their first duty station, they are contractually obligated to remain within the service of the U.S. armed forces according to the Military Benefits website. Leaving without sanction or quitting is considered AWOL or absent without leave. If that military member leaves with no intent of returning, then it becomes a more serious charge of desertion.

A retired Major had this blunt advice for Massie.

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