Ron Johnson Calls Climate Change 'Bullshit' - And Then Denies It

The Wisconsin Senator says he's not a climate change denier but that's not what he tells the people back home.

Johnson thought he was in safe, friendly territory back home in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. Safe enough to say or at least mouth what he really thinks about climate change when the tv cameras aren't around. Unfortunately for him there are these things called cell phones...


Source: CNN

Sen. Ron Johnson insisted again last week that he is not a climate change denier, but CNN's KFile found video of him from just weeks earlier telling a Republican group that it is "bullsh*t."

"I don't know about you guys, but I think climate change is -- as Lord Monckton said -- bullsh*t," the Wisconsin Republican said, without uttering the expletive but mouthing it, and referring to British conservative climate change denier Lord Christopher Monckton. "By the way, it is."

Johnson, a member of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, continued that "there are more and more scientists" writing books "just laying this to waste" and questioned why the US was focused on the climate crisis at all.

"What are we doing here? Well, we're killing ourselves," said Johnson, adding, "it's a self-inflicted wound."

Johnson made the comments in early June to the Republican Women of Greater Wisconsin Luncheon at Alioto's in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.

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