New Audio Indicates Trump's Delusion Is Getting Worse

Anderson Cooper said he sounded like Nixon in his last days.

Anderson Cooper had Washington Post reporters Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker to talk about their book, "I Alone Can Fix It." They played a recording of an interview with Trump at Mar-A-Lago about the insurrection:

"You sat with the interview, I want to play an important part when you asked about the January 6th insurrection. Let's play that," Cooper said.

TRUMP: You know that wasn't my rally, there were a lot of people that spoke, they had rallies the night before, they had speakers all over the city. You had hundreds of thousands of people. I would venture to say I think it was the largest crowd I've ever spoken before. It went from that point which was almost at the White House to beyond the Washington monument. It was -- and wide. And it was a loving crowd too, by the way, there was a lot of love. I heard that from many, many people, that was a loving crowd. and, you know, it was too bad. It was too bad that they --

LEONNIG: But Mr. President, I apologize, what we're trying to understand is, not blame, not castigate. We want to understand what did you want when you said go up there?

TRUMP: I would have said that you will show -- not to go in, although they were ushered in by the police, I mean, in all fairness, the Capitol police were ushering people in. The Capitol police were very friendly, you know, they were hugging and kissing -- you don't see that but there's plenty of tape on that too, the Capitol police, that's the way it is. I wanted -- I mean, personally, what I wanted is what they wanted. They showed up. Just to show support. Because I happen to believe the election was rigged at a level like nothing has ever been rigged before. There's tremendous proof. There's tremendous proof. Statistically it wasn't even possible that he won. I mean, things such as if you win Florida, Ohio, Iowa, there's never been a loss. There was a loss.

RUCKER: Did you need better lawyers, because they took it to court.

TRUMP: I needed better judges. The Supreme Court was afraid to take it. Don't forget, if you take all of the -- everything out, take all of the dead people that voted, and there were thousands of them, by the way, we have list of obituaries, if you take the illegal immigrants that voted - Indians getting paid to vote. Many, many different things. It was very, very close. It's only in five places, if you take all of that, it's massive numbers. But forget all of that. If you take all of that, just look at one thing, the legislatures of the states did not approve all of the things that were done for those elections. And under the Constitution of the United States, they have to do that. And the Supreme Court, they didn't find fact. Don't forget, they didn't say, well, we disagree. They said, we're not going to hear the case. I'm very disappointed in the Supreme Court.

LEONNIG: What do you think they were afraid of?

TRUMP: I guess they thought that it would be violent, maybe. And it was violent the other way perhaps, I don't know. I guess they thought it would be violent. But the Supreme Court of the United States in the Constitution, it says you can't have local politicians setting the rules. And they set the rules. Early voting. This voting. Ballots. Many, many different things. And these were Democrats going to Republican -- with the exception of Nevada, which was a Democrat legislature, by the way, they didn't even -- they did for the most part approve -- but they had things they didn't approve, but the other ones had very little, on, almost nothing. So they were setting illegally all of these rules, regulations, everything. Poll-watchers who were absolutely brutalized and thrown out. We had no poll watchers allowed in buildings for days. Okay? It was an illegal corrupt election as bad as a third-world country. Okay. So with that, the judges just would not -- they would not rule.

LEONNIG: One more beat on that. If you had bad judges, that's like 86 bad judges, were they afraid? Some of them were people you appointed.

TRUMP: That's true. I'm not saying -- I appointed them and I was very disappointed in them.

Everything Trump said is a lie. States are in charge of their elections (which is EXACTLY why Republican legislatures are rushing to stack the election decks against Black voters). Federal law is needed to stop Republican racism, but no Democrat is suggesting a Republican fascist and his enablers can overturn the legitimate results of a certified state count.

And do we really need to run more video of the January 6 MAGA riot to explain that it wasn't "tourists" "hugging and kissing" Capitol police officers?

Trump's delusion gets worse with each passing day.

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