Tucker Carlson's 'NSA Spying On Me' Claims Fall Flat

Stupid Tucker emailed Russian operatives for an interview with Putin, rather than going through regular channels? Something smells.

Tucker was only trying to interview the boss:

Scoop: Tucker Carlson sought Putin interview at time of spying claim

Now, bear in mind that TeeVee Dinner heir and notable Black Studies scholar Tucker Carlson has yet to offer any evidence of his wild claim of being spied-upon by the NSA, and the NSA has actually released a rare statement saying,

“Tucker Carlson has never been an intelligence target of the Agency and the NSA has never had any plans to try to take his program off the air.”

The NSA would be feted as local heroes if they got that blight off of cable, but I digest. Plenty of media outlets —including Fox— have interviewed Pooty over the years, it is not ground-breaking to do so.

Now, given that Fox News is an enemy of the people (to coin a phrase), it would not be surprising if one of the persons Tucker contacted to arrange an interview might be a known Russian asset under surveillance is a strong possibility, but Tucker hisself? Not a chance.

This whole thing stinks of a publicity stunt —shocking, I know!— to drive-up ratings and therefore drive up ad rates (if not for his MeinPillow-sponsored program than for Fox News in general).

Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors

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