Unvaccinated Man Loses His Leg To COVID

Bryan Thompson, 43, was a vaccine skeptic. He felt they were rushed into production and unsafe. He almost died as a result.

Bryan Thompson, 43, was a healthy man before he and his family all caught COVID. None of them were vaccinated. Now his life has been turned upside down. He didn't get the vaccine because he thought it was "rushed", and not safe. He wanted to wait and see. Well, he waited and now he sees what can happen for those who wait.

Source: Raw Story

A unvaccinated Mississippi man is warning others after he contracted COVID-19 and ended up losing a leg -- an event that turned him from vaccine skeptic to vaccine believer, WVUE reports.

"I was unvaccinated," said Bryan Thompson, 43, who added that he was otherwise healthy. "I myself was a little skeptical and I felt it got rushed. I wanted to just make sure it was safe. We were in a low-risk situation. It wasn't like I was a front-line worker somewhere seeing hundreds of people a day. So I figured if anyone can take a little bit of a risk it could be us because of our situation."

Thompson said his blood pressure went down to 71/40. So low in fact that he thought he was dying. "I was on my way out." Miraculously though, he somehow managed to survive with some first-rate hospital care and recovered. Or so he thought. Discharged from the hospital, one night he felt excruciating pain and was rushed back into the ER where they found blood clots in his leg. An emergency amputation saved his life again.

Since then he's now completely recovered physically, minus the lower part of his left leg. All that's left are his medical bills, which will be substantial, despite having good health insurance, or what passes for that in the United States. His hospital stay the first time ran around $50k. The amputation will likely cost between $30-60k. And whatever rehabilitation, physical therapy, equipment, and any modifications to his house needed for the next couple of years will probably be another $100k. A GoFundMe page has been set up to help defray his initial costs.

Or he could have gotten the vaccine for free.

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