Biden Throws Down The Gauntlet At Wingnut Governors

The president won't allow GOP governors to threaten teachers with an unthinkable choice.

The Death Cult party is doing all it can to ensure the Delta variant of COVID finds our children in the states they govern. Florida and Texas lead the way, with those governors doing all they can, down to issuing threats to not pay teachers and employees in school districts with mask mandates. President Joe Biden has mentioned before that he will not allow educators to go unpaid, but in today's COVID briefing, he dug in and threw down the gauntlet to Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis, in particular.

"Intimidation and threats we are seeing across the country are WRONG. They're unacceptable," insisted Biden.

"I've said before, this isn't about politics. It's about keeping our children safe. It's about taking on the virus together. United. I've made it clear that I will stand with those who are trying to do the right thing," said Biden, before describing phone calls he'd made to school superintendents in Florida and Arizona. Each was requiring masks in their classrooms, and he thanked them. "One of them said, 'We teach science. So we follow the science.' The other said they have a guiding principle: 'Students first.' I just couldn't agree more with what they both said."

Then Biden made it clear he would not tolerate anyone trying to stand in their way.

"That's why today I'm directing the Secretary of Education, an educator himself, to take additional steps to protect our children. This includes using all of his oversight authority, and legal action, if appropriate, against governors who are trying to block and intimidate local school officials and educators," Biden warned.

He's looking at you, DeSantis, Abbott, and Ducey.

Biden reassured teachers that these psychotic threats from the GOP governors would have absolutely no financial teeth to them.

"You know, we're not going to sit by as governors try to block and intimidate educators trying to protect our children. For example, if a governor wants to cut the pay of a hard-working education leader who requires masks in the classroom, the money from the American Rescue Plan can be used to pay that person's salary, 100%," he said.

The GOP has been anti-education. anti-teacher, and frankly, anti-child for decades. It's unspeakably hard to be an educator during COVID times. To have the threat of your salary taken away because you're protecting everyone in the classroom with masks is beyond demeaning, beyond insulting, beyond professionally taxing. It's ordering teachers — especially elementary school teachers — to let their students die in return for their paycheck.

Thank god the Biden administration won't allow it to happen.

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