Former Bodybuilder Dies From COVID-19 After Rejecting The Vaccine
John Eyers, 42, was described by his twin sister as the "fittest, healthiest person I know."
"The only pre-existing health condition he had was the belief in his own immortality,” his sister shared in a tweet. That belief was mistaken.
Source: Men's Health
42-year-old John Eyers, a fit and healthy man tested positive for coronavirus a month ago and, last week, passed away in hospital after succumbing to the virus.
The former bodybuilder, who had been climbing in the Welsh mountains before testing positive, had refused the COVID-19 vaccine as he believed he would only suffer a "mild illness" if he were to catch the respiratory virus.
His twin sister Jenny McCann described him as "fittest, healthiest person I know"
"The only pre-existing health condition he had was the belief in his own immortality,” she shared in a Tweet. "He thought if he contracted Covid-19 he would be OK. He thought he would have a mild illness. He didn’t want to put a vaccine in his body."
McCann went on to share that her brother confessed to the doctor how "he wished he had been vaccinated."
McCann wrote a series of tweets last week about her brother's death. Space precludes posting all of them but here are a few.
My 42yr old twin brother died in ITU of COVID-19 last week. He died exactly 4 weeks after testing positive. He was the fittest, healthiest person I know. He was climbing Welsh mountains & wild camping 4 weeks before his death.
— jenny mccann (@jennyeye) August 2, 2021
The only pre existing health condition he had was the belief in his own immortality . He thought if he contracted COVID-19 he would be ok. He thought he would have a mild illness. He didn’t want to put a vaccine on his body.
— jenny mccann (@jennyeye) August 2, 2021
His was pumped full of every drug in the hospital. They threw everything at him. But eventually the bedfellow of CoVID19, infection & organ failure, claimed his life.
— jenny mccann (@jennyeye) August 2, 2021
Before he was ventilated he told his consultant that he wished he had been vaccinated. That he wished he had listened. His death is a tragedy. It shouldn’t have happened. He leaves a Mum & Dad, a sister (me), and a 19 yr old daughter.
— jenny mccann (@jennyeye) August 2, 2021