Cory Booker Goes Viral; Trolls GOPers On 'Defund Police' Vote

Oh, darn, there goes their next ad campaign!

Ha, ha! Sen. Cory Booker trolled the Republicans big time last night on this non-binding resolution from Tommy Tuberville that would cut federal funding to any town that tried to defund the police. (Basically, it wouldn't apply to anyone.) But seeing the opportunity to turn this Republican attack on its head, Booker went to work. Via Newsweek:

"Madam President, I am so excited," said Booker as he clapped his hands together. "This is a gift. If it wasn't a complete abdication of Senate procedures … I would walk over there and hug my colleague from Alabama."

In a swipe at those who paint Democrats as anti-law enforcement, Booker said: "There are some people who've said that there are members of this deliberative body that want to defund the police— to my horror.

"This senator has given us the gift of finally, once and for all, we can put to bed this scurrilous accusation that somebody in this great esteemed body would want to defund the police."

He then urged his fellow senators to "sashay" down to vote for Tuberville's non-binding amendment, which will "put to rest the lies." He added that he was "sure I will see no political ads attacking anybody here over defund the police."

Booker continued: "I would ask unanimous consent to add something else to this obvious bill. Can we add also that every senator here wants to defund the police, believes in God, country and apple pie?"

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