Cyber Ninjas Miss Deadline, Claim 'Dog Ate Their Homework' Defense

The Cyber Ninja team has unexpectedly come down with COVID on the very day they were due to present their findings of their "audit" of the Maricopa County election.

The Maricopa County election audit by the Cyber Ninjas was supposed to be presented today. Expectations were for an utter train wreck after the audit "company" was called incompetent by many in the election field. Not only were their methods crazy, but it was almost completely based on conspiracy theories that have been disproven (Chinese bamboo, what?).

Welp, on Monday Senate president Karen Fann came out with this statement:

The CEO of Cyber Ninjas, Doug Logan, and 2 of the 5 members of the audit team ALL have COVID right now and are "quite sick." Now they plan to present the draft report to the Senate on Wednesday.

Well, Twitter had a FIELD day with this.

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Looks like the Ninjas were not fast enough to avoid the hoax virus. Or they know they found bupkas and want to keep the grift going. After all, they are being threatened with legal action by Rep Maloney and Rep Raskin.

Let's see what their next excuse will be. Flooding? Locusts? Amnesia? Alien invasion?

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