Dear Tennessee, Would You Like Fries With Your Stupid?

Herd immunity has a completely different meaning to Tennessee's Governor Bill Lee.

Dear Tennessee, Would You Like Fries With Your Stupid?

Guys, what’s the difference between a cow and a Tennesseean?

Tennessee won’t incentivize COVID shots but pays to vax cows

The Republican governor of Tennessee, Bill Lee, who is a rancher is all in favor of herd immunity for livestock, but not so much for people.

Tennessee’s Herd Health program began in 2019 under Lee, whose family business, Triple L Ranch, breeds Polled Hereford cattle. The state currently reimburses participating farmers up to $1,500 for vaccinating their herds, handing out $492,561 over the past two fiscal years, according to documents from the Tennessee Agriculture Department.

Well, he might have a conflict of interest there, mightn’t he? What about the people?

In an emailed reply to a question about the contrast to incentivizing vaccination for cattle, spokesperson Casey Black wrote, “Tennesseans have every incentive to get the COVID-19 vaccine – it’s free and available in every corner of the state with virtually no wait. While a veterinarian can weigh in on safely raising cattle for consumption, the state will continue to provide human Tennesseans with COVID-19 vaccine information and access.”

But keep those Ameros rolling into Lee’s family ranch, m’kay?

Posted with permission of Mock Paper Scissors

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