Dinesh D'Souza Brings On His Wife To Slur Afghan Refugees

We can only handle this much racism via the lens of Hal Sparks. (Not work safe.)

This video contains swears. -- eds.

Dinesh D'Souza is one of the worst people in the world.

It's almost impossible for me to watch even a moment of his so-called "podcast," even for the benefit of C&L readers. I can do it through the comic lens of Hal Sparks, though.

Hal took one for the team, again, Tuesday, as he reviewed the latest Dinesh show, featuring "guest" Mrs. Dinesh D'Souza, Debbie.

You may recall Debbie from the time she stayed in a hotel with Dinesh while he was married to someone else. Dinesh told his employer, St. John's University, that "nothing happened" in the hotel but still, St. John's thought maybe that was a lie and "accepted his resignation."

Debbie has thoughts about Afghan refugees coming into the United States that involve her being a "germaphobe." She believes the Covid is real and that Afghan refugees will come into the US without going through a metal detector. She thinks their feet are dirty. She thinks they will bring disease and terrorism.

And she is demonstrably emotional about these opinions, tossing her head back and declaring "ugh!" as her husband describes Afghans being transported by plane. (They are not being transported to the US, Hal Sparks notes.)

Dinesh tried to stay "factual," LOL: "In Kabul, I'm not sure the United States has a systematic way to distinguish friend from foe!"

Hal goofed on Dinesh: "I know! They all look like terrorists, it's so weird!"

Hal Sparks had finally had enough: "I don't know: are you the most racist people in the world, or the dumbest? I think you might be in the running for both. I'm just saying, in the ignorant a**hole Olympics they're both going to be on the podium."

Hal Sparks YouTube channel is here, worth subscribing.

The entire show is below, the Dinesh section starts at the 1:36:23 mark:

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