Even Trump Can't Control The Rabid Mob Of MAGA Republicans
The MAGA mob wants what it wants, regardless of what their "leaders" say.
You may have heard that Donald Trump was booed at his own rally over vaccines Saturday night.
Rachel Maddow called it a scattered booing and she's right.
Less "scattered" and more vicious was the booing handed to Mo Brooks, as he tried to convert Trump support to supporting his US Senate campaign.
Brooks asked the crowd to put the 2020 election behind them, and focus on 2022 and 2024.
“Look forward, look forward, look forward. Beat them in 2022, beat them in 2024,” Brooks said.
Brooks then backtracked immediately, because he can read a ravenous crowd: “All right. Well, look back at it, but go forward and take advantage of it. We have got to win in 2022. We’ve got to win in 2024.”
He was practically booed off the stage.
He even backtracked his rally statement on Twitter: "Let me be clear, the 2020 election was fraught with voter fraud & election theft on a massive scale. If only legal votes cast by eligible American citizens were counted, Trump won the election. I support audits of state 2020 election results, & I eagerly await their findings," said the COWARD.
The Republican Party built this monster starting back in 1994 with Newt Gingrich, if not before. There will be no tears shed if the mob devours the so-called "leadership."